Friday, June 09, 2006

Daisies are drunks

Wednesday nights are back! Slanger, Sam and I hung out on Wed at my new digs. It was great. The plan was to hang at the house, have some drinks and then maybe go out. That's not what happened. We were drinking vodka and Slanger noticed that I had some flowers on my table (mostly daisies). She informed me that flowers like vodka. I guess it makes them stand up straight or something, which is the exact opposite of the effect it has on me. Anyway, at this point I'd had several cocktails and no dinner (shortly after we had some delicious frozen appetizers--yeah, that's how I roll) and so I was all, "yeah! the daisies are begging for some vodka action!" and I poured them a stiff one. I wasn't as steady as I could've been so I may have sort of made a giant cocktail in that vase, but those flowers were NOT complaining. In fact, they perked right up (especially those freakin daisies). The next thing you know it's 1 in the AM and Sam and Slanger head out. I go to bed and when I wake up the house is a freaking mess, the whole bottle of vodka is gone and those daisies are passed out everywhere! Daisies are drunks man, and they owe me a bottle of vodka.

So I tried to blog about this earlier while it was all still fresh in my hungover head, but blogger wouldn't let me log in! Asshole blog machine.

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